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File List  |  1995-07-29  |  14KB  |  190 lines

  1. 06300B1.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 1
  2.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  3. 06300B19.DSK                       (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk
  4.                                    01 Of 02, Multimedia Service
  5. 06300B2.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 2
  6.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  7. 06300B20.DSK                       (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk
  8.                                    02 Of 02, Multimedia Service
  9. 06300B3.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 3
  10.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  11. 06300B4.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 4
  12.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  13. 06300B7.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 7
  14.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  15. 06300B8.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 8
  16.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  17. 06300B9.DSK                        (XR06300 OS/2 For Windows SP) 3 1/2" * Disk 9
  18.                                    Of 12, ServicePak Diskette
  19. 1STPATCH.ZIP                       patch for the IBM C/C++ FirstStep Tools Versi
  20. 211APM1.ZIP                        OS/2 2.11 CSD. Fixes problems with Advanced
  21.                                    Power management.
  22. 211APM2.ZIP                        OS/2 2.11 CSD to fix Advanced Power
  23.                                    Management.
  24. 211DDU.TXT                         *Important* Readme For 211DDU.ZIP.
  25. 211DDU.ZIP                         OS/2 2.1 ServicePak update for non-IBM displa
  26. 211DDUU.ZIP                        Service Update for High-Resolution/Color
  27.                                    Display Drivers
  28. 211KRNL1.ZIP                       OS/2 2.11 Service pack. Fixes problems with
  29.                                    Kernal.
  30. 211KRNL2.ZIP                       OS/2 2.11 Service pack. Fixes problems with
  31.                                    Kernal.
  32. 211KRNL3.ZIP                       OS/2 2.11 Service pack. Fixes problems with
  33.                                    Kernal.
  34. 211MEM.ZIP                         Replacement DLL for OS/2 Memory Utility so
  35.                                    that it can run with the 2.11 upgrade.
  36. 211PROB.ZIP                        Text File. Problems With The OS/2 2.11 Servic
  37. 211WPS1.ZIP                        OS/2 2.11 Service Pack. Fixes problems with
  38.                                    Work Place Shell.
  39. 211WPS2.ZIP                        OS/2 2.11 Service Pack. Fixes problems with
  40.                                    Work Place Shell.
  41. 211WPS3.ZIP                        OS/2 2.11 Service Pack. Fixes problems with
  42.                                    Work Place Shell.
  43. 21FKIK.ZIP                         21FKIK. OS/2 2.11 XR_6200 Corrective Service
  44.                                    Facility. required to apply an OS/2 2.11
  45.                                    XR_6200 FixPak. You also need LOADDSKF.EXE
  46.                                    (available as LDF.COM or LOADDF.ZIP on most
  47.                                    BBSes.
  48. 311QAS.TXT                         Questions And Answers About The 311WIN Patch.
  49. 4O25C.ZIP                          4OS2/32 2.5 patch file, updates 4OS2/32 2.5
  50.                                    rev B to 4OS2/32 2.5 rev C. ONLY USEFUL if
  51.                                    you already have 4OS2/32 2.5 rev B, not
  52.                                    needed by new users. To check your current
  53.                                    4OS2/32 version use VER /R. Also requires
  54.                                    patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
  55. 6200READ.ZIP                       6200 CSD Readme, Readme.ins, and XR06200.XRF
  56. 7025_US.ZIP                        This Select Pak Contains Fixes For DB2/2 1.0
  57.                                    Since Service Pak 7015. Repackaged! If You
  58.                                    Have Previous Version Download FIX7025.ZIP
  59. 7027_US.ZIP                        DB2/2 v1.0 Query Manager Select Pak WR07027
  60.                                    containing fixes since WR07015. Supercedes
  61.                                    WR07022. Requires prequisite of WR07015.
  62. AOACSD2A.ZIP                       APL2 For OS/2 Advanced Edition Corrective
  63.                                    Service Disk #1 Of 2
  64. AOACSD2B.ZIP                       APL2 For OS/2 Advanced Edition Corrective
  65.                                    Service Disk #2 Of 2
  66. AOECSD2A.ZIP                       APL2 For OS/2 Entry Edition Corrective
  67.                                    Service Disk #1 Of 2
  68. AOECSD2B.ZIP                       APL2 For OS/2 Entry Edition Corrective
  69.                                    Service Disk #2 Of 2
  70. AOS2ACSD.REA                       APL2 For OS/2 Corrective Service Advanced
  71.                                    Edition Service Level 2 READ ME
  72. AOS2ECSD.REA                       APL2 For OS/2 Corrective Service Entry
  73.                                    Edition Service Level 2
  74. ARNEA103.ZIP                       Fix foreign keyboard layout problem in OS/2 2
  75. BRAPPK.ZIP                         OS/2 2.11 fix for APAR PJ12413 suspend w/Thin
  76. BRKLPK.ZIP                         OS/2 2.11 FixPak BRKLPK
  77. BRWPPK.ZIP                         OS/2 2.11 FixPak BRWPPK
  78. BSAD_D.ZIP                         BocaSoft WipeOut After Dark and Deskpic Suppo
  79. DCF2UPDT.ZIP                       DCF/2 Release Version 1.2W (Warp Patch)
  80. DM151A.ZIP                         Patch file required to update all previous
  81.                                    retail versions of DeskMan/2 to DeskMan/2
  82.                                    v1.51a retail edition for oS/2
  83. DM151R.ZIP                         DeskMan/2 update for Warp
  84. DOBGEN.ZIP                         DOBGEN.EXE upgrade from KASE Systems
  85. DSK4PM.ZIP                         OS/2 DSK4PM/DSKWPS Ver 1.33 A program to
  86.                                    unpack or pack IBM diskettes
  87. F16_B.ZIP                          Watcom Fortran/77^16 V9.5 patch level B
  88. F16_C.ZIP                          Watcom Fortran/77^16 V9.5 patch level C
  89. F32_B.ZIP                          Watcom Fortram/77^32 V9.5 patch level B
  90. F32_C.ZIP                          Watcom Fortram/77^32 V9.5 patch level C
  91. FIX7025.ZIP                        DB2/2 1.0 Fix For Select Pak 7025 (US). This
  92.                                    Fix May Be Used To Update The DB2/2 Select
  93.                                    Pak 7025 Which Has Been Refreshed With One
  94.                                    Additional Defect.
  95. FLGPATCH.TXT                       How to patch Lotus Freelance for OS/2 2.0
  96. FP1051.ZIP                         Footprint Works for OS/2 update, Disk 1 of 2
  97. FP1052.ZIP                         Footprint Works for OS/2 update, Disk 2 of 2
  98. FP105W.ZIP                         Footprint Works 1.05 patch for problems w/imp
  99. GNUPAT.ZIP                         emx 0.9a: Patches for GNU programs for OS/2
  100. GPLOT35P.ZIP                       GnuPlot 3.5 w/ gnufit12, div_hack and enhpost
  101.                                    patches for OS/2
  102. GTU512.ZIP                         Patch file for GammaTech OS/2 Utils. Fixes
  103.                                    all known bugs.
  104. IBMKBD.ZIP                         Fix probs with keyboard "special" keys and in
  105. IPDSFIX1.ZIP                       IBM Personal Dictation System Update Diskette
  106.                                    #1.. V 1.00
  107. KBC1094.ZIP                        Updated KNBs for KASE:VIP for OS/2, v2.0
  108.                                    Unzip to \KASEVIP\KNB\C dir.
  109. KBCP1094.ZIP                       Updated KNBs for KASE:C++ for OS/2, v2.1
  110.                                    Unzip to \KASECPP\KNB\CPP dir.
  111. KWCLASS.ZIP                        Update to KASE:C++ GUI development & code sui
  112. LINKFX.ZIP                         C Set++ v2.1 LINK386/IMPLIB fixes
  113. LR11B.ZIP                          LinkRight Patch 1.1B, a pair of parallel port
  114.                                    drivers (LRPAR02.SYS for MCA, LRPAR.SYS for
  115.                                    others) which fix bugs in the earlier
  116.                                    versions.
  117. LR11D.ZIP                          LinkRight 1.1D Patch
  118. LR11E.ZIP                          Patch to update LinkRight to version 1.1e
  119.                                    LinkRight is a serial and parallel port file
  120.                                    transfer utility for OS/2. It features DCF/2
  121.                                    compression for faster transfers and CRC
  122.                                    checking for accurate transfers. It includes
  123.                                    a PM version and a DOS version. Version 1.1
  124.                                    has LinkRight Cloner which can be used for
  125.                                    cloning an entire OS/2 partition (including
  126.                                    the OS/2 operating system) from one system to
  127.                                    another.
  128. LZSALM.ZIP                         OS/2 2.11 WINOS2 fix for device installs w/Bl
  129. M76PMO.EXE                         Display Power Management For 9576i/S And
  130.                                    9577i/S With OS/2 2.1 And Up
  131. OS2PDP.ZIP                         Problem Determination Package for OS/2 2.1
  132. OS2TLS.ZIP                         WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows OS/2 WPS Integra
  133. P121APR1.ZIP                       Collection of APARs for OS/2 2.1 Part 1
  134. P121APR2.ZIP                       Collection of APARs for OS/2 2.1 Part 2
  135. P1B21C.ZIP                         Patches for DCF/2 1.1b disk compression
  136. P1MMAPR1.ZIP                       Collection of APARs for OS/2 related product
  137. P1TCAPR1.ZIP                       Collection of APARs for OS/2 related product
  138. P1TKAPR1.ZIP                       Collection of APARs for OS/2 related product
  139. PATCH_LF.TXT                       Patching Lotus Freelance to install on OS/2
  140.                                    2.0
  141. PENTIUM.ZIP                        OS/2 2.1 ONLY fix for problems w/Pentium & ne
  142. PINSTALL.ZIP                       Pen for OS/2 fix for Personal OS/2 beta
  143. PSF2CSD.ZIP                        - PSF/2 1.10 CSD UR41102 Doc 4Apr94
  144. PSF2CSD2.EXE                       - PSF/2 1.10 CSD UR41102 2 Of 5 4Apr94
  145. PSF2CSD3.EXE                       - PSF/2 1.10 CSD UR41102 3 Of 5 4Apr94
  146. PSF2CSD5.EXE                       - PSF/2 1.10 CSD UR41102 5 Of 5 4Apr94
  147. QW4R4CD.ZIP                        QUICKEN 4 FOR WINDOWS, RELEASE 3 patch
  148. R210FT.ZIP                         v2.1 NetWare Client for OS/2 Patches
  149. READMEUS.025                       DB2/2 V1.0.1 Select Pak WR07025:
  150. S3GENDAC.ZIP                       Patch to allow S3 gendac video cards to work
  151. SMALLFIX.ZIP                       Small fonts and icons for warp S3 display dri
  152. SYSLZP.ZIP                         Resets syslevel to XR06200 to fool some insta
  153. TDISP11.ZIP                        TrapDispatcher 1.1. New features,
  154.                                    ZMH-support, new AREXX scripts.
  155. UPDTE3.ZIP                         Update to Ami Pro 3.0B (Not for 3.0 or 3.0A)
  156. W5CRDR.ZIP                         WARP5INS. 5.25 images for WARP CD/NO HPFS
  157.                                    versions. You must UNZIP this file and use
  158.                                    LOADDSKF ( In another file, LOADDF.ZIP,
  159.                                    LDF.COM, or LOADDSKF PACKAGE) to create the 2
  160.                                    diskettes.
  161. W5DRDR.ZIP                         WARP5INS. 5.25 images for WARP DISKETTE
  162.                                    versions. You must UNZIP this file and use
  163.                                    LOADDSKF ( In another file, LOADDF.ZIP,
  164.                                    LDF.COM, or LOADDSKF PACKAGE) to create the 2
  165.                                    diskettes.
  166. WARP5INS.PKG                       WARP5INS. Package file describing how to use
  167.                                    OSIN5BCD.FAX, OSIN5BDS.FAX, W5DRDR.ZIP and
  168.                                    W5CRDR.ZIP to install OS/2 Warp with 5.25 in.
  169.                                    A drive and 3.5 in. B drive
  170. WF21_2.ZIP                         IBM WorkFrame/2 version 2.1 CSD #2
  171. WF21_3.ZIP                         WF2FIX21. CSD3. Latest Workframe/2 (version
  172.                                    2.1) fixes.
  173. WFP_01.ZIP                         Fixes PCMCIA modem problems on Thinkpad 720.
  174. WFP_03.ZIP                         OS/2 Warp v3.0 FixPak containing COM.SYS and
  175.                                    IBMKBD.SYS
  176. WFP_05.ZIP                         Fixes problem with Future Domain SCSI cards
  177.                                    and Warp. Also includes some other minor
  178.                                    fixes.
  179. WFWIN5.ZIP                         This utility can be used to refresh your Warp
  180.                                    3.0 (for Windows) Installation diskettes #0
  181.                                    and #1 with some of the Fixpack XR0W005
  182.                                    files. It will work for either a Warp
  183.                                    diskette-based or CDROM-based install.
  184. WKICKR.ZIP                         Warp Patch install diskettes. You will need
  185.                                    to use LOADDSKF to create the diskettes from
  186.                                    the image files.
  187. WR06025A.EXE                       Corrective Service for IBM Extended Services
  188. WR06025B.EXE                       Corrective Service for IBM Extended Services
  189. WR06025C.EXE                       Corrective Service for IBM Extended Services